5 tips to ease back into your gym workout safely

weightsGyms are opening back up and the excitement to finally use the equipment is sure to lead to a repeat of the yearly New Year’s resolutioner rush. But, no crowd will deter your determination to reach your fitness goals right? While your mind may be ready to load up heavy weight on the barbell or take on the stairmaster gauntlet for an hour straight, your body may not share that same enthusiasm. Long periods away from the gym or even your semi-consistent home quarantine exercises may not translate to the same endurance, strength and stamina you once had during your pre-COVID gym days.

Whether you’re starting your gym routine back up again or beginning your fitness journey, use these five tips to ensure you reach your goals efficiently and injury-free.

Tip #1 Start slow

For some of us, it’s been months since we’ve worked out, for others we’ve had to rely on limited equipment to maintain our exercise routine. Once you sign back into the gym and ready yourself for your workouts, don’t go straight into your (claimed) 365-pound bench press or hyper-intense training regiment. The last thing you need is an injury that will lead to even more limited movement or time off completely. Slowly ease back into using the gym equipment with about 60 percent of your old lifting and endurance capabilities and add more as you progress.

Tip #2 Begin meal prepping 

Let’s face it, most of us have consumed a few cheat meals too many during this lock down. To ensure you reach your old fitness levels and beyond, start a planned calendar of meals and stick to it by meal prepping accordingly. This includes lean meats like extra lean ground beef, chicken breast, plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and lots of water. By planning out your diet and following it consistently, you’ll get back to your fit self in no time.

Tip #3 Plan your post workout recovery

Immediately after your workout, your body will need to replenish with proper muscle recovery. Plan to consume complex carbohydrate and protein sources like whole-wheat toast with peanut butter and bananas or a fruit protein smoothie. This will ensure proper recovery and also tastes great. Also include branched-chain amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine in particular. These amino acids (which are often included in protein powders) go directly into your bloodstream and muscles to help boost repair. Finally (this is a hard one), start cleaning yourself up by taking cold showers. Cold showers will help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation due to its regenerative properties.

Tip #4 Get good rest

Give your body the proper rest it needs so you’re ready for the gym. Stop your late night binges of your favorite Netflix show and go to bed at a reasonable time and not 11:30 p.m. Also, make sure to sleep for at least eight hours so your muscles repair and grow stronger to help you get back to your heavy and tough lifting sessions.

Tip #5 Pair up with an accountability partner

There will be days that you just don’t want to go to the gym. Even the most dedicated of fit freaks, have these moments, so pair up with a close friend or family member to keep each other in check. A good way to establish accountability is by developing and sharing one another’s fitness goals such as muscle gain and/or weight loss. This serves as a good motivating reminder should one of you become discouraged or lazy over time. Also, plan out days and times that work for both of you to maintain consistent workouts.

Your journey back to your pre-COVID routine requires smart fitness planning and training, as well as dedication, intensity and proper nutrition. By setting up a game plan using these five tips, you’ll be ready to take on the weights once those gym doors swing open.


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